money moves to make when pregnant

10 Stress-Free Money Moves To Make While You’re Pregnant

money moves to make when pregnant

Hello again! I recently wrote a post about how to financially prepare for a baby. Today, I want to share more details on how you can make money or save some extra cash during pregnancy.

When I think back to when I was pregnant with Rose, I think I was really lucky. My pregnancy wasn’t really that stressful. Rose was a very active baby, and I knew she was perfectly healthy and happy.

I do remember being worried about money, though. Being self-employed meant that I only got statutory maternity pay. Unlike many of my mum friends on maternity leave, I wouldn’t have a ‘job’ as such to return to either.

That’s why it was super important for me to set myself up financially before Rose was born. In this post I’m sharing all the money moves I made while I was pregnant. I hope some of these can help you feel more in control of your finances and help you relax and enjoy your pregnancy…

1. Start a side hustle

Got a skill? It’s time to cash in!

We all have a unique talent or knack for something. Whether it’s crafting engaging content, designing logos, or even giving stellar advice. There’s someone out there willing to pay for what you can offer.

Websites like Fiverr and Upwork can be your gateway to connect with clients. You get the flexibility to work on projects that resonate with your skills and passions, and the best part?

Setting your own pace. Perfect for those unpredictable energy levels during pregnancy! 

Making handmade goodies

The world is shifting towards valuing unique, handcrafted items. This trend isn’t just a passing phase; it’s here to stay. Sites like Etsy offer a platform for artisans to showcase their unique creations.

Whether you make custom baby quilts, handcrafted jewellery, or unique art pieces, there’s a vast audience eager for bespoke items. Plus, there’s a certain pride in knowing that a piece of you is being cherished in homes across the globe.

2. Declutter & earn extra cash

We’ve all got that drawer, closet, or even room full of items that we swear we’ll use “one day.” But today might be the day to turn them into cash.

Even before you enter your nesting phase kicks in. Finding out you’re pregnant is the perfect time and excuse to start decluttering and cashing in!

As you glance around, don’t forget about the bigger items either. That second car might not seem as essential now, especially with a little one on the way.

You might find yourself pondering, where can I sell my number plate or car? Luckily, there are online platforms designed specifically for such queries, ensuring you not only free up space but also boost your baby fund.

The bonus? Decluttering your space leaves more room for all the baby essentials and creates a more serene environment.

3. Make clever switches

Expensive brands? Think again!

While it’s easy to be swayed by fancy packaging and big brand names. Many times, the difference between generic and name brands is just… Well, the name.

Especially when it comes to baby essentials. I think big brands cash in on mum guilt and make you feel bad for not buying the ‘best’ products! But trust me, there is very little or no difference at all between own brand and big brand names.

So the next time you’re shopping, try comparing ingredients or material quality between name brands and their generic counterparts.

You’d be surprised how much you can save over time, and those savings can go straight into the baby fund!

4. Embrace preloved baby products

Remember how we love handcrafted items? Well, preloved items come with their own charm too. Especially when it’s baby gear that’s usually used for just a few months.

Websites, thrift stores, or even community groups often have nearly-new items at a fraction of the original cost. Additionally, by choosing second hand, you’re making an eco-friendly choice by reducing waste.

Just remember to give everything a good clean. And, of course, always ensure items like car seats meet the current safety standards.

You may also like: 15 baby products that are perfectly safe to buy second hand

5. Check those bills

Time for a subscription check!

In this age of digital convenience, it’s all too easy to subscribe to a bunch of services. Think about it: from streaming platforms to unnecessary monthly subscription apps, to that premium photo editing tool you thought you’d use more often. The costs can add up quick!

So, settle down and go through your bank statements. Identify what you truly use and love versus what can be let go. You’d be amazed how liberating it feels and how those savings stack up over time.

6. Consider making eco-friendly choices

Now, here’s a shift that’s good for both your pocket and the planet. Energy-efficient choices in your household might seem like small changes, but their impact over time is significant.

Think about switching to LED bulbs, which last longer and consume less energy. And if any of your appliances are on their last legs, consider replacing them with energy-efficient models.

7. Check what benefits you’re entitled to

Did you know there are various grants and financial help for parents? Check if you’re eligible for a Sure Start maternity grant. And apply for your maternity pay and child benefit in time to avoid missing out or any delays in payment.

8. Pay down debt

If you’re in any position to do so, try putting some money towards your debt to bring down those monthly payments. Do you have money put aside in savings? It might be worth considering using this to pay off any debt before your baby arrives. Paying down or paying off any debts will definitely help reduce your stress levels.

9. Set up a baby savings account

This might be the last thing on your mind! But setting up a baby savings account before baby is born sets intention to put aside money for your little one. Whatever I’ve made from side hustles or get my monthly child benefit payment, I tend to transfer into Rose’s account. Even if it’s just £10-12 a month, it quickly accumulates!

Do some research and figure out the best option for you and your family. Whether that’s a cash ISA or premium bonds.

10. Take the DIY approach

This goes for everything, from crafts, to recipes, and everything in between. Trying your hand at DIY can help you save so much money. Pinterest is an amazing place to look for inspiration!

Your Kitchen = Your Baby Food Factory!

When the time comes for your little one to start on solids, your kitchen will prove to be more than just a place for your midnight snack cravings.

Homemade baby food is cost-effective, and it also ensures you know exactly what’s going into your baby’s tummy.

Fresh fruits, veggies, and grains can be transformed into nutritious purees, and the internet is bursting with easy-to-follow recipes for your little ones first foods. 

While finances are undoubtedly a significant part of the preparation, it’s important to remember that the best things you can offer your child are time, love, and care. So be kind to yourself and try to relax and enjoy your pregnancy…

Save for later…

This is a collaborative post

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