5 investments that are actually worth it

5 Expensive Investments That Are Actually Worth It

Saving money is a lifestyle choice that many people are getting into in this day and age! With prices going up and retirement getting later and later, money-saving has never been more crucial than right now.

As much as we all love to save money each and every day, there are instances where spending money is actually worth it. While most of us don’t part with large amounts of money easily, it is sometimes important to invest heavily in something important to you.

In this blog, I’m sharing five expensive investments that are actually worth the money. You might be clutching your purse just reading the word ‘expensive’ but hear me out – these ones are definitely worth your while!

Car, home, and health insurance

We all know that insurance is important – but there are varying degrees of insurance quality that are available nowadays, so listen up.

Comprehensive insurance is the most expensive package available through most providers, so many people avoid it simply because of the price tag. However, anyone with comprehensive insurance will tell you that it was a total lifesaver when something has gone wrong with their home, car, or health.

No matter how unlikely you think it is that something will go wrong – a home invasion, perhaps, or a car accident – you just never know. If you aren’t properly insured, you could wind up spending thousands down the line for no reason!

Further professional training and qualifications.

Have you ever looked at a course you’d really like to enroll in, only to look at the price and think, ‘Never mind!’ Well, I’m here to tell you that investing in training, such as okr training, is never ever a waste of time or money. 

Training might be expensive, but ultimately it creates more opportunities for you to make money in the future. You will reap the price tag of your training course many times over during the course of your career, so don’t shy away from investing your money in further professional training. It might seem like a lot right now, but you’ll see the results of the training so quickly that you’ll soon forget how much it cost!


Travelling is a luxury, so most money-saving enthusiasts put it at the bottom of their list most of the time. However, travelling is one of the most important things you can do in life. It broadens your knowledge, deepens your understanding of the wider world, and lets you relax and truly let your hair down.

That’s why travel is worth the investment. Okay, you might not want to stay in a five star hotel – but investing in flights to destinations you’ve always dreamed of visiting is something you’ll never regret. Even though travelling is a luxury activity that might not be “financially smart” all the time, you’ve got to enjoy your money every once in a while.

High-quality food products

The foods we put into our body affect everything: our physical health, mental health, mood, skin, and long-term energy levels. If you’re a bargain hunter through and through, you should consider making a few allowances when it comes to food.

Particularly if you eat meat and dairy products, if you can afford to make more ethical investments, you should. Not only are higher quality products better for the environment, but they’re better for your body, too – better nutrients, fewer plastics, and it’ll make a more satisfying meal overall!

Your home

Your home is the place in which you spend the majority of your time – it is crucial that you love it. Even if you wish you could live in a giant mansion with four pools and seven hot tubs, that doesn’t mean you can’t learn to accept and love the home you have right now!

One way of doing this is by investing in the furniture, white goods and accessories that make your house a home. You don’t need to splash out on the fanciest stuff you find – just make sure you buy things you love, not just the bare essentials. There’s no point in working hard to afford your home if you don’t even enjoy the way it looks or feels.

Final Thoughts

Making expensive investments can feel like a big, scary step. Especially if you are someone who likes to have lots of money stored away for a rainy day, it can be difficult to part with large amounts of it. However, in the case of these five things, you will never regret investing a little more – try it and see for yourself!

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