Hi there, nice to meet you. I’m Collette, and I love cashback! I’ve been using cashback sites and apps for over 10 years now, and to date, I’ve saved thousands.
I’d love to help you do the same, and that’s why I’m sharing my top cashback tips on this blog.
Whether you’re a total beginner who’s never heard of cashback before. Or you fancy finding out more about the latest cashback site or app.
Perhaps you’re looking to take out a cashback credit card but not sure where to start or how to choose one?
There is something for everyone here, including reviews, how-to guides, and round-up lists.
How do I know so much about cashback?
I first discovered cashback sites when I started working for a freebie site back in 2014. As much as I’d always been quite savvy with money and loved finding freebies, I soon became hooked on everything that cashback had to offer. I came across TopCashback and Quidco, and discovered supermarket cashback apps like Shopmium and CheckoutSmart shortly after.
I found myself going around all the supermarkets, obsessed with finding free products from these apps. And I started constantly nagging my other half about how much cashback he was missing out on by not using these sites (I still do!)
Fast forward five years, and I landed my dream job as a Content Manager at Quidco, where I gained some amazing insider knowledge about how these sites work. Today, I work for MoneySuperMarket, where I can keep a close eye on all the best cashback credit card rates.
Thanks to cashback, I’ve made money and saved money on pretty much everything, from my mortgage, to my wedding. As a recent first-time Mum to my lovely baby girl, I’ve also saved loads of money on baby essentials using cashback sites and apps.
How do I start getting cashback?
If you’re a complete beginner, I would highly recommend signing up for the most popular UK cashback sites; TopCashback and Quidco. These sites are super easy to help you get started, and once you begin using them, you’ll soon see that cashback stacking up!