Whether you want to save money to save for a house, or you have other big financial goals, you might want to consider how you can save money with your car. Saving money on transportation doesn’t mean that you walk everywhere, or only take bus rides or carpool with friends. In fact, you may end…
How To Quickly Cancel A Bid On eBay
In this post, I’ll show you how to cancel an eBay bid, super quick! I talk a lot on this blog about selling on eBay, but I also love buying secondhand and pre-loved stuff on there too! I’ve also learned a thing or two over the years about bidding on items and what to do…
How To Declutter Your Wardrobe In 3 Easy Steps
Let’s be honest, owning a wardrobe packed full of clothes, and STILL having nothing to wear is stressful. Isn’t it? I feel like most of us have probably heard the idea of a wardrobe declutter, but it sounds like too much work or we don’t have the time. Am I right? Before we begin, here’s…
Top 20+ Sites To Sell Clothes Online For Extra Cash
Looking to sell clothes online for a bit of extra cash? If you’re like me, you’ll have spent most of the lockdown frantically decluttering your closet. Sound familiar? While most of us would usually drop everything off in one go at our nearest charity shop, the lockdown has provided a unique opportunity to sell clothes…
20+ Interesting Ways To Get Free Books & Magazines
Calling all book worms and magazine lovers! In today’s post, I’m sharing with you some of the many ways you can get free books and magazines. I must admit, somedays (especially during lockdown) I love nothing more than nestling into a corner with a cup of tea, a pack of biscuits, and a good read….
50 Easy Ways To Save Money At The Supermarket
Today I bring to you a HUGE post, packed full of a whopping 50 tips on how to save money at the supermarket. I absolutely love a good bargain – especially when it comes to food and groceries! I know a lot of us have been spending more on food during lockdown, and (like me)…